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Please take a moment to view those who have graciously donated to the Louisiana Memorial Bike Ride and visit their sites.
Louisiana Association of National Registered Emergency Medical Technicians
Founded in 1976, LANREMT works with many EMS associations in Louisiana to strengthen the EMS System and to insure quality patient care. LANREMT is a member of the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians, NAEMT.
Muddy Angels
The National EMS Memorial Bike Ride, Inc. honors Emergency Medical Services personnel by organizing and implementing long distance cycling events that memorialize and celebrate the lives of those who serve everyday, those who have become sick or injured while performing their duties, and those who have died in the line of duty.
New Orleans River Region Chapter, L.A.N.R.E.M.T.
NORR encompasses the Parishes of Jefferson, Orleans, St. Bernard, Plaquemines, St. Charles, St. John and St. James.
Louisiana Rural Ambulance Association
LRAA is a diverse group of providers from communities, spread across the state of Louisiana – providers who care about improving and providing pre-hospital care in Louisiana – providers who reach hospitals, physicians, and homes, – providers who plan for the health care services provided in the towns and parishes – for individuals who need quality pre-hospital services within their reach.
Louisiana Fire Chiefs Association
The purpose of the Association is to promote the profession of the fire service, to improve the methods of fire prevention, training, protection, and extinguishment and to maintain high standards of professional ethics among the Fire Service Officers of Louisiana.
Premier Event Management
Premier Event Management is America’s preeminent organizer of multi-sport racing events. The company was formed in 1993 with its principals having race management experience since the late 1970’s. The core of the Premier team was involved in the production of one of the largest road races in the United States with more than 30,000 participants and a post race festival estimated at 100,000+.
The American Red Cross
The American Red Cross exists to provide compassionate care to those in need. Our network of generous donors, volunteers and employees share a mission or preventing and relieving suffering, here at home and around the world.
Related Links
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